There are about 45 rabbit breeds officially recognized by the ARBA or American Rabbits Breeds Association. There are a few mixed breed rabbits but even these rabbits will probably have fairly recognizable ancestry. Most of the breeds we originally developed for one of four purposes meat, pelt, wools or show. But any of them can make a good pet. Given that any bred of rabbit can make a great pet there are two factors to take in consideration are the size of the rabbit and the amount of care it requires.
Breeding domestic rabbits can be fascinating and profitable. A rabbit can either kept as a pet, sometimes raised for exhibits in shows, or to produce a good source of meat. Raising rabbits is enjoyable and exciting. It can be done in city areas or small farm areas with just a few acres. As domestic pets, the rabbits are perfect to raise. They do not make any noise, need little living place, fed on table scraps and other simple feed and even their manure can be used for garden fertilizer as well.
Rabbit owners can also breed rabbits for the laboratory and biological functions. Rabbits are also used as important tools in infectious disease research, toxin and antitoxin development, and anatomy and physiology instruction. Rabbits wool has profitable value too. The rabbit wool may be dyed, dressed, sheared, and made into lovely garments.
The most important thing of raising rabbits is to study your animals, learn about their habits.